Idris Goodwin

JACKED: a beanstalk remix

This title is now available for productions worldwide.

TYA, Adventure

JACKED: a beanstalk remix

Inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk and designed and developed for children, JACKED: a beanstalk remix fuses storytelling and poetry with hip-hop and break-beat music to encourage a dialogue about substance abuse and the overwhelming effects the opioid epidemic is having in our communities.


2-10, Any gender

Production Notes:

This title was commissioned by the CLEVELAND PLAYHOUSE (Laura Kepley, Artistic Director Kevin Moore, Managing Director Pamela DiPasquale, Director of Education) and co-developed with StageOne Family Theatre and Cleveland Playhouse’s Classroom Matinee Touring Program.



Idris Goodwin

Idris Goodwin is an award-winning storyteller for multiple generations. An accomplished playwright, breakbeat poet, content creator and arts champion, Goodwin is recognized as a culture bearer who celebrates community values and cultivates histories with care. Idris is the author of over 60 original plays ranging from his Hip Hop inspired breakbeat series to historical dramas to works for young audiences. Titles such as And In This Corner Cassius Clay, How We Got On, Hype Man: A Break Beat Play, This is Modern Art and the ground breaking Free Play: open source scripts for an anti-racist tomorrow...

[Go to FULL BIO]



by Idris Goodwin
“The number of cases of children entering the foster care system due to parental drug use has more than doubled since 2000,” said the voice on the radio, and later added that a great deal of these cases were occurring in Kentucky, where I was living at the time. More specifically I was in Louisville, working as the producing artistic director of StageOne Family Theatre. I was drawn to making theater for... [READ THE FULL ESSAY HERE]
Idris Goodwin

The Playwright

Playwright, breakbeat poet, director, educator, and organizer, Idris Goodwin, talks about what inspired him to write JACKED: a beanstalk remix!